Sort lines by length

Views: 4,664
4.9/5 (7 votes)

About this tool

You can use this online tool to sort lines of text by the length of each line. You can sort the inputted data in several ways including length ascending or length descending. To use the feature, follow the steps from “How to use” block.

For example

Input data:

  1. The longest string in the world.
  2. Short string.
  3. Very long string.

Output data:

Ascending order:

  1. Short string.
  2. Very long string.
  3. The longest string in the world.

Descending order:

  1. The longest string in the world.
  2. Very long string.
  3. Short string.
How to use
  1. Paste or input data in the Input window.
  2. Choose from length ascending or length descending order.
  3. Copy the result to clipboard if you want.