Reverse lines and letters order

Views: 2,029
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About this tool

You can use this online tool to reverse lines of text or reverse letters order. To use the feature, follow the steps from “How to use” block.

For example

Input data:

  1. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit.
  2. Quia totam deserunt neque!
  3. Porro esse ducimus, provident error nihil.

As a result, we get the following data:

Reversed lines:

  1. Porro esse ducimus, provident error nihil.
  2. Quia totam deserunt neque!
  3. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit.

Reversed text in each line:

  1. .tile gnicisipida rutetcesnoc ,tema tis rolod muspi meroL
  2. !euqen tnuresed matot aiuQ
  3. .lihin rorre tnedivorp ,sumicud esse orroP
How to use
  1. Paste or input data in the text area field.
  2. Click the button "Reverse lines order" to reverse the order of the rows.
  3. Click the button "Reverse letters order" to reverse the order of letters in each line.
  4. Copy the result to clipboard if you wish.